Five Essential Changes for Good Health


Five Essential Changes for Good Health

Adapting and adding these essential five things can help you meet your fitness goals and to live a longer and healthier life.

Drink more water!

Drinking water is critical for good health and fat-loss. Our body is made up of mostly water. Drinking water helps your body get rid of toxins. It helps you feel full. It is very good for your skin.

Get in the sun!

Sunlight is essential to the formation of vitamin D. Vitamin D is important to your bones. It helps your body absorb calcium. If you don't have enough vitamin D your bones could weaken and you could be at risk for broken bones. Vitamin D can inhibit cancer growth. Vitamin D helps maintain adequate blood insulin levels, improving health for those with diabetes and preventing it in those who don't have it. Vitamin D is also important to your heart. Activated vitamin D has been shown to increase survival in patients with heart disease. Getting direct sunlight for 10-15 minutes a day usually fulfills your daily requirement. In our society and during certain seasons, sun exposure is less than required. Many people have a vitamin D deficiency without realizing it. Supplementing with a multi-vitamin or vitamin D is suggested.


We live in a busy society where we run 24 hours a day. Getting sleep is vital to health. If you get less than your body requires you could be at risk for illness, injury and diseases. Brain function is decreased with insufficient sleep and you could experience muscle aches. Ninety percent of the daily release of growth hormone comes while sleeping.

Everyone's individual sleep needs vary. In general, most healthy adults are built for 16 hours of wakefulness and need an average of eight hours of sleep a night. However, some individuals are able to function without sleepiness or drowsiness after as little as six hours of sleep. Others can't perform at their peak unless they've slept ten hours. And, contrary to common myth, the need for sleep doesn't decline with age but the ability to sleep for six to eight hours at one time may be reduced. Making time for sleep can help you have the strength and energy you need to do your daily tasks and to enjoy a healthy active lifestyle.

Eat a well-balanced diet!

Make sure your diet is rich in low-fat proteins and high fiber whole grains. Vegetables and fruits in a rainbow of colors can help prevent cancer. Plan for 9 fruits or veggies every day, and try to eat some with each meal and snack. Fresh is always best for you. Often it is hard to get all of your nutrition needs in; taking a multi-vitamin is an easy way to guarantee your nutrient intake. If you can't afford meats, or don't like soy or beans and rice consider whey protein concentrate supplements. It can really help give you the protein you need to build muscle and curb your appetite.


Your body was built to move. Activity is important to health and longevity. Those who exercise in some form with regularity have better health, less illness, and disease and have a better quality of life than those who are sedentary. As there are many ways to get fit, from a chest workout that gets your inner chest building stronger muscle, using dumbells that will work on the lower part of the body or doing something as simple as going for a walk, there shouldn't be any excuses for anyone to not at least fit one form of exercise into their daily routine. Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases if you exercise regularly your risk for obesity is lessened. Your lungs, blood vessels, bowels, brain, and muscles are all able to work more effectively if you get some form of exercise every day. Your heart benefits from aerobic exercise which raises your heart rate and breathing rate for a sustained length of time. Discussing exercise options with your doctor is important for safety and the best effect.