2 Myths About Eating Eggs

2 Myths about eating eggs
Eggs used to have the reputation as a major contributor to heart disease...however current research is stating that "this is just not true!" Here are a few myths that the research pointed out is not true....
Myth number 1: Making eggs a regular part of your diet leads to heart disease.
Fact: Eating one egg per day barely affects your risk of heart disease, while factors such as physical inactivity and obesity increase it as much as 40%, according to a recent study. The American Heart Association, however, does recommend keeping cholesterol to less than 300 mg a day-- so limit yourself to one whole egg daily(the yolk contains approximately 213mg).
Myth number 2: Egg yolks aren't healthy.
Fact: The yellow center is a rare source of vitamin D; just one has 20iu as well as vitamin B12 and choline, among other nutrients.
With these myths and facts, I think it is safe to assume that eating eggs in moderation is not only healthy, but safe. eggs in moderation is not only