Best Diet and Exercise Articles June 25, 2017

These are the top health articles I find around the web that I think are cutting edge, cool, and just plain awesome!

A self cleaning gym bag! Totally awesome… What exercise will make you younger? What supplements are best for your immune system? And what oil is healthy for your brain and could reduce risk to disease? Find out all in today’s best articles… 





This Common Oil May Improve Your Memory And Reduce Your Risk Of Alzheimer’s by Robert Glatter MD

Researchers at Temple University have identified a specific food in the diet that targets the dreaded aspects of cognitive decline: extra-virgin olive oil, often referred to as EVOO, a major staple of the Mediterranean diet.


Want to Stay Young Longer? Science Says This Exercise Makes Your Body Act Like It’s 9 Years Younger by Bill Murphy Jr.

Engage in high levels of physical activity, and your cells are more likely to resemble the cells of a considerably younger person.

Fitness Tech

This self-cleaning bag freshens up your smelly gym clothes by Kris Naudus

When you close the bag fully and activate the PaqTech process, the Paqsule shines short-wave ultraviolet light on the contents, then creates and circulates O3 throughout the compartment. Both of these elements have antimicrobial properties: Short-wavelength UV is mutagenic to microorganisms while the activated oxygen damages their cell walls.

Nutritional Supplements

Immunity from A to Zinc by Lisa Schofield

Americans question how well their immune systems are functioning include overall sluggishness, fatigue and symptoms of stress (mild anxiety, sleeplessness).

It is best to take a targeted immune supplement like Juniper Life Fortify!

Every day our bodies battle injury, disease, and age-related damage. Without help, this daily battle can increase inflammation and trigger the body to start storing fat and minimize calorie expenditure. FORTIFY provides effective, multi-faceted support against chronic inflammation with a powerful antioxidant, gut-strengthening, and immune-boosting blend – freeing the body from a near constant state of distress and allowing it to focus on healing and maximizing performance.