Best Diet and Exercise Articles August 7, 2016
Each Sunday I will publish a list of the top health articles I find around the web. I will include the latest research in Exercise, Diet, Food Supplements, and Fitness Tech.
Toe-tapping to better health: Fidgeting helps prevent arterial dysfunction from sitting by Medical XPRESS
We all know the person bouncing their leg like crazy during meetings at work... well now it looks like these people will have better health!
5 Reasons To Not Feed Your Child A Vegan Diet by Scott O'Reilly
Our bodies have evolved specifically to digest and take advantage of animal protein. As food writer Nina Planck notes, “We have an extraordinary need for nutrients not found in plants.”
Fitness Tech
Incredible Olympic Tech by Laura Potter
With the Olympics here this is some cool Tech stuff surrounding the games!
Nutritional Supplements
Prebiotics could help treat exercise-induced asthma by Honor Whiteman
Exercise induced asthma is more common than one might think. What is interesting about this article is that once again what happens in your gut (intestines) can determine your health!